Hi & welcome,

We’re so glad you’re here!

I’m Nadia, non-diet dietitian, intuitive eating counsellor, clinical hypnotherapist and founder of Oh Well Co.

I wanted a space where people could wish for wellbeing without being entrapped into sneaky diets, false promises or short-term solutions. 

Where people in ALL bodies feel welcomed. Where they can work WITH their body rather than AGAINST it.

To offer hope and direction, knowing that you don’t have to put up with a crummy relationship with your food or uncomfortable symptoms.

In modern healthcare, it’s so common to be treated as part rather than a whole. To be separated out into sections of the body and disconnected from the wider systems at play.

Our philosophy is to see you as a whole. To understand the complex dance of the all body systems; The nervous system, gastrointestinal system, immune system and endocrine system. Not to mention how these are impacted by our wider cultural systems.

At Oh Well Co, we aim to balance science and art, head and heart, in order to support you on your path to wellbeing.

Meet the Team

Nadia Maxwell

  • As with most kids, I was born with an innate ability to eat intuitively. I cried when I was hungry and stopped when I was full. As a young child, I was blessed to be born into a family where dieting and food rules (for the most part) were not a thing. I would eat tons of food one day and be too busy playing the next. My favourite food was ice-cream (and in fact still is). I was also born with thin privilege which meant that I had the good fortune to grow up relatively free from commentary about my body and food choices.

    Despite this, over time my little ears began to pick up on the ever present diet culture dialogue all around me, such as “body size equates to health”, “processed foods are bad”, “thinner is better” …etc. Slowly but surely I developed an identity wrapped up in body size and food choices.

    Throughout my teenage and early adult years, I struggled with severe acne and irregular periods. The missing periods were normalised by health professionals, so I too ignored them. The options for my acne were limited to antibiotics, the Pill or harsh treatments (any former Proactiv users with bleached pillows here?). Eventually I was misdiagnosed with PCOS which was also around the time my digestive symptoms were at their worst. Needless to say my relationship with food and body took a hit.

    As I became more preoccupied with food, I was drawn to studying nutrition. And as I developed more nutrition-knowledge I also developed more food rules. Like a good nutrition student I did the low FODMAP diet. Although it helped my gut symptoms, it was terrible for my relationship with food. As a result of food restriction, you can bet there was many a time when I felt out of control around food.

    Fast-forward a number of years and I began to discover the world of Intuitive Eating, Health At Every Size® and the non-diet approach. Through a lot of learning, self-compassion and, most importantly, support from others, I re-discovered my innate intuitive eater. The brain space I gained from not thinking about food all the time, I put into learning about all things disordered eating, menstrual cycles, hormonal and gut health.

    In more recent years I’ve developed a deep appreciation for the role the nervous system plays in our health. Through my own journey with self-hypnosis, I have found even more wellbeing and self-worth than ever before. This ultimately led me to study Clinical Hypnotherapy & Conversational Hypnosis so I can support others on this journey.

    My goal is to support people with periods to feel connected with their body and empowered to care for themselves without the restriction (because I’ve been there and I get it!).

  • Improving your relationship with food, body & intuitive eating

    Binge & emotional eating

    Eating disorder recovery (for those over the age of 18 years & medically stable)

    Period & hormonal health, including:
    Endometriosis and pelvic pain
    PCOS and insulin resistance
    PMS and PMDD,
    Missing periods
    Fertility, pregnancy & postpartum
    Perimenopause & menopause

    Gut health, bowel challenges and IBS

    Chronic invisible illness (including hypermobility (HSD/hEDS), POTS/orthostatic intolerance, MCAS, fibromyalgia, ME/chronic fatigue syndrome)

    Clinical Hypnotherapy & Conversational Hypnosis including for gut symptoms, pain, relationship with food and body, binge eating, anxiety, health anxiety and sleep

  • Mondays & Wednesdays are available for online appointments only (via Zoom or phone).

    Tuesdays & Thursdays are available for online or in-person at Innerstrength Healthcare in Grovedale, VIC.

  • Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD)

    ANZAED Credentialed Eating Disorder Clinician (CEDC-D)

    Certified Intuitive Eating Counsellor

    Size Inclusive Health Australia Member (HAES directory)

    Clinical Hypnotherapist (Australian Society of Hypnosis) & Conversational Hypnosis

    Embodied Recovery for Eating Disorders with Rachel Lewis-Marlow & Paula Scataloni

    Binge Eating Disorder for Dietitians

    Monash Low FODMAP Dietitians Course

    +many more

Laura May

  • I am fiercely passionate about dismantling diet culture and creating a supportive, non-judgemental space for people to explore how to embrace a more peaceful relationship with food and their bodies. I also have lived experience with a number of chronic health conditions including PCOS and endometriosis.

    My interest in nutrition was sparked when I was 14 years old and was learning about digestion in high school science. I was fascinated by how the different organs in the gut worked, and particularly how they absorb nutrients from our food. It was around this time that I discovered what a dietitian was and I knew this was what I wanted to be when I ”grew up”. The universe provided me with a brief detour into nursing where I again found myself drawn to conditions related to the gut and abdominal surgery, so it wasn’t long before I started applying for dietetics courses.

    My relationship with food and body was quite frankly a rollercoaster from my teenage years, through to my mid 20’s. My formative years were in the early 2000s when diet culture was rife. I experienced significant weight stigma in healthcare and was advised to lose weight and drastically change how I ate in order to manage my PCOS symptoms. I yoyo dieted for well over a decade and my focus on eating “perfectly” intensified when I started studying nutrition. None of diets I tried were particularly helpful, and for the most part made me tired and miserable.

    Thankfully, I started to learn about the non-diet approach, body liberation and fat positivity at the end of my dietetics career and it completely changed the trajectory of my career and own wellbeing journey.

    Find me on Instagram @radical.creatures

  • Improving your relationship with food and body

    Breaking up with diets and providing guidance towards intuitive eating

    Binge & emotional eating

    Eating disorder recovery (for those over the age of 18 years & medically stable)

    Flexible meal ideas and planning

    Nutrition challenges in Neurodivergent individuals

    Period & hormonal health, including:
    Endometriosis and pelvic pain
    PCOS and insulin resistance
    Perimenopause & menopause

    Type 2 diabetes, heart health, high blood pressure and cholesterol

    Osteoporosis and bone health


    People living with HIV and AIDS

    Gut health, bowel challenges and IBS

  • Wednesday evenings are available for online appointments (via Zoom or phone).

    Thursday afternoons are available for online appointments (via Zoom or phone).

  • Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD)

    ANZAED Credentialed Eating Disorder Clinician (CEDC-D)

    Size Inclusive Health Australia Member (HAES directory)

    Endometriosis for Dietitians (Oh Well Co)

    PCOS & Food Peace Course (Julie Duffy-Dillon)

    Neurodiversity Affirming Dietetic Care (The Mindful Dietitian)

    + many more

Want to make sure we’re a good fit?

If you would like to chat to us prior to booking an appointment, we offer complimentary 15-minute Good Fit Chat over Zoom. What’s a ‘Good Fit Chat’ you may ask? A Good Fit Chat is, just as it sounds, to make sure we're a good fit to work together. It often looks a little like:

  • Us getting to know you, the challenges you're facing and your nutrition-related goals

  • You getting a feel for the way that we work

  • An opportunity for you to ask any questions you have

Chats usually take place via Zoom. But if you prefer a phone call, you can reply to the confirmation email to let us know.

Ready to go? Just hit the button below.

  • All bodies are good bodies and there is no right way to have a body.

  • Health is so much more than a number on a scale, the food we eat or the amount we exercise.

  • There is so much power in reconnecting with our cyclic nature and you should NOT have to put up with terrible periods or digestive symptoms.

  • Each and every one of us has the innate wisdom to eat in a way that is right for us. Sometimes we just need a little guidance to re-discover what that looks like.

What do we stand for?

Our Philosophy & Modalities

Our philosophy centres on the work of many strong activists and whole-hearted individuals that have come before us. For their tireless work we am forever grateful.

Health at Every Size®

Health at Every Size® (HAES®) is a weight inclusive approach that advocates for inclusive and equal health care for people in all shapes and sizes. HAES® recognises that research shows that weight loss dieting is both ineffective and harmful. For more information, see the HAES® guiding principles from the Association for Size Diversity & Health (ASDAH). ASDAH envisions a world that celebrates bodies of all shapes and sizes, in which body weight is no longer a source of discrimination and where oppressed communities have equal access to the resources and practices that support health and well being.

Intuitive Eating

Intuitive Eating is an evidence-based approach to health that integrates the body and mind. It is a weight-neutral model developed by two dietitians, Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch. Intuitive Eating has over ninety studies to date, showing many beneficial results.

The ten principles of Intuitive Eating support us to shift away from external cues, such as restrictive diets and societal body standards and reconnect with internal body cues, such as hunger, fullness and satisfaction.

Intuitive Eating provides a framework to say goodbye to dieting and the harm it causes once and for all.

Clinical Hypnotherapy

Hi! Nadia here. I love using hypnosis to help clients get quicker results.

Hypnosis gets a bad rap. At the mere mention of hypnosis, we imagine an overly confident showman waiving a pocket watch on stage ready to make a fool out of the closest audience member. Terrifying! I promise that Clinical Hypnotherapy is very very different. It’s an effective evidence-based modality that can support long-term healing. It does this by supporting favourable re-wiring of the brain, know as neuroplasticity. It can be a beautiful adjunct to the work I do with clients.

I offers two style of hypnotherapy:

  1. Traditional Hypnotherapy (feels like a deep guided meditation aimed at improving your symptoms with your very own personal recording)

  2. Conversational Hypnosis (feels like having a deep chat which can lead to the most profound mindset shifts)