Anti-Inflammatory Banana Oat Muffins 🧁
Nadia Maxwell Nadia Maxwell

Anti-Inflammatory Banana Oat Muffins 🧁

These have been my faaaavourite little snack for months now. I make sure I always have them stocked in my freezer.

They’re gut-lovin thanks to the beautiful soluble fibre found in oats, ground flaxseeds and banana (plus any extra goodness you add in the form of nuts and seeds).

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Beyond the Headlines: Unpacking the CSIRO Healthy Diet Score Report 🙄
Intuitive Eating Nadia Maxwell Intuitive Eating Nadia Maxwell

Beyond the Headlines: Unpacking the CSIRO Healthy Diet Score Report 🙄

Recently, the CSIRO (Australia's national science agency) unveiled its Healthy Diet Score report, shedding light on the eating habits of Aussies over an eight-year period, from May 2015 to July 2023. The survey, designed to assess nine facets of diet quality and compliance with the Australian Dietary Guidelines, assigned each participant a score out of 100.

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Food is a vessel through which love flows 🥣
Intuitive Eating Nadia Maxwell Intuitive Eating Nadia Maxwell

Food is a vessel through which love flows 🥣

Human infants are the most vulnerable and require the longest duration of care of all mammals.

Babies requires regular feeding, and when caregivers do so, they support attachment, bonding and love.

Babies get energy from food, turning that energy into love in return.

As we get older, feeding ourselves becomes a form of self-love.

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Why doing body image work is like cleaning out the fridge 🧼
Body Image, Intuitive Eating Nadia Maxwell Body Image, Intuitive Eating Nadia Maxwell

Why doing body image work is like cleaning out the fridge 🧼

Picture your fridge. On the bottom shelf, pushed right to the back, lies your favourite Tupperware. Inside is that leftover curry that you had two weeks ago. Or could it have been four weeks ago?

You know it’s there. You get a glimpse of it every time you open the fridge door. Every time you unload the groceries, you think “I should really clean that out. I need the space. But I reaaaally don’t want to.” And so you just avoid it. You pretend it doesn’t exist.

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Can endometriosis impact your relationship with food and body? 🤷🏻‍♀️
Intuitive Eating, Endometriosis, Body Image Nadia Maxwell Intuitive Eating, Endometriosis, Body Image Nadia Maxwell

Can endometriosis impact your relationship with food and body? 🤷🏻‍♀️

Endometriosis is a condition that can result in you feeling like your body is out to get you. That even simple bodily functions feel out of control. “What’s my experience of pain going to be like today?” “Will I be bloated?” “Will I have diarrhoea or not go to the bathroom for the next five days?”
Surely that has a profound impact on how you feel about your body.

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